Health state in Mauritius

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Mauritius may be a small island, but development is veering towards the life of the developed countries and this is reflected in the general health states of the population. Less personal time and more working hours mean that people rely more on fast foods and have less time for sports which then lead to a string of health problems. Moreover, climatic conditions also have their share in the rise in health problems on the island as seen in the Chikungunya (mosquito borne disease) that greatly affected the population and tourism industry in 2006. Compared to the past, the health of Mauritians has bettered given that now more facilities are available to combat once mortal diseases. There has been an increase in the lifespan trend with more surviving people as from 65 years old with the balance tipping in favour of the female population. As of 2006, the infant mortality rate has been seen to be less than 16 per 1000 babies born while the average life expectancy for males was 68.9 and 75.7 for females. Mauritius offers the best possible health facilities that it can freely; there are 8 hospitals on the island, 134 health facilities (dispensaries,  health centres etc), a mental hospital, an ear, nose and throat hospital, an eye hospital, a cardiac centre and a chest hospital and about 13,000 health staff. A number of private clinics are also scattered all over the island. The main problem that Mauritius faces nowadays is in terms of non communicable diseases. A number of diseases such as malaria, Tuburculosis, have been successfully eliminated but the new life trend now leads to other complications like diabetes, hypertension, kidney failure, heart problems, smoke and alcohol related problems. It has been found that the diet of Mauritians itself is one of the main problems with its high salt content and low vegetable and fibre content. Moreover the number of smokers and drinkers is also on the rise. Vaccination is very important especially at young ages so that the immune system can develop means to fight certain diseases; as such children are vaccinated against a number of diseases at different ages. As far as tourists are concerned, it is recommended to be vaccinated against certain diseases currently not found in their home range and this information is available at the Mauritius embassy in the respective country. No incurable disease is found on the island except for AIDS that require certain precautions to be taken while dealing with positive people. The water may be a problem to some people and it is recommended then to bring either your usual tablets or to boil the water before use. But whatever happens you will find friendly doctors where you are staying and hospitals and health centres are always free.
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