Blue Bay Beach Mauritius

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One of the best beaches on the Island of Mauritius has got be Blue Bay beach, you can find Blue Bay on the South East coast whilst following the directions to Mahebourg. Once in Mahebourg there will be plenty of signs pointing you in the right way but if you have difficulty finding it you can always stop and ask for directions as the residents of Mauritius are very friendly. Upon approaching Blue Bay beach you will find a sign pointing down a one way road, you will see the beach on the left and a small area of parking on the right. There will also be many different stalls selling anything from food to souvenirs.

Blue Bay beach has very soft powder like sand, with a clear and clean shoreline. Due to the location and the size of Blue Bay it is a very popular beach at the weekends. The best time to enjoy the beach is during the week when you can have a small secluded spot all to yourself. It is extremely hard to take a bad picture at Blue Bay as it is simply one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

As you walk further along the beach there are rocks, this makes a great area to snorkel as you will find many fish and crabs trying to hide. The water is also very clear everywhere so snorkelling can be done anywhere in the sea. When it’s time to eat there are many local sellers that sell things such as burgers, egg fried rice and sandwiches. There are also toilets and showers nearby that should you need to use them, police also patrol the area so you should be safe too.

Having visited Blue Bay beach during the week it was nice to see only a small handful of people there, this meant I could choose my spot carefully as there were many places to pick. There are trees so you can sit in the shade but these are the most sought after spots as the sun can feel very prickly and uncomfortable.

In general the people of Mauritius are laid back and friendly but there are some people who will lurk around. Keep an eye on belongings and be aware of any locals that you think might be taking an interest in your spot. Although there are thefts it is not a widespread problem and only a small minority are affected.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.