Albion Beach Mauritius

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Albion beach in Mauritius is found on the North West of the island between Flic en Flac and Pointe aux Sables. It is not know as a popular beach resort but a sleepy fishing village, there is never much going on in the area and if you plan to have a day trip then you will definitely need a car. Albion is more accessible by car than bus. Upon approaching you will find that it is a really long drive down what seems to be the quietest village in Mauritius. When you arrive there are many places to park and the buses also stop within a good walking distance to the beach. There is nowhere to eat and local vendors only come down to sell food during the weekends.

Over the years Mauritius has started to invest a lot of money that has been generated by tourism to clean up all the beaches. Albion used to be very rocky and generally not a nice place to swim, there are still many fisherman who live in the area and the boats can be clearly seen when you visit. It has been 7 years since my last visit to Albion and it is truly one of the best beaches in Mauritius. It is very calm, quite and there are never too many people. The only problem is if you rely on buying food outside (if you live in a hotel or self catering complex) there are not many places around where you can purchase food. There is one supermarket across from the beach but they sell drinks and snacks not proper food that will fill you up. If you do decide to go the best thing to do is to bring a packed lunch.

Whilst taking a casual stroll along the beach fish were plentiful to be seen, you can walk into the sea until it reaches your thighs and the water is still crystal clear. Snorkelling in Albion is really a sight to sea, bring some bread with you and you will be swamped with fish.

As mentioned before Albion is a very quiet beach to visit but I have heard that it can get quiet dangerous. The area itself has a bad name so tourists should be vigilant. It really is a beach to visit so don’t let the bad reputation put you off, it is clean, peaceful and the sea is crystal clear. I would advise you visit Albion as part of a group and without any valuables. In general Mauritian people can be very nosy so you might find they stare a lot but as long as you don’t pay any attention they’ll soon move on.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.

2 Replies

Phillaiymailcom Level 1
Albion is fantastic. The rocky side near the lighthouse end is well worth a visit and you can get down the cliff to the sea. If you are after peace and tranquility then Albion is the place. Take a picnic basket with you and you will enjoy your day.
We have had a house in Albion for the last 10 years and, yes it has changed. I have to disagree about the beach. I love it, it's still stony and uneven. Flac En Flac is far the best beach, but it is always full of people, especially tourists. There are new, a few snack places and a pizza shop down apposite The Albion Store. There is also a take away place near Bounty store, which is quite good and cheap on the evening. There is also one at the back of the Dodo supermarket.